Enough working hours

 Good salary and weekly payment

 Good housing, close to your work


We connect jobs

Together we find your
new job!


Looking for a new job in the Netherlands? Then you are in the right place with us! We say 'we connect people' for a reason, because in everything we do, that is our ultimate goal. Successful connection, that's what it's all about! Therefore, besides a suitable job, we ensure sufficient working hours, a good salary, and offer transportation and safe, comfortable housing.

See our job offers

Job offers


We have our own housing, spread throughout the Netherlands. All our houses have a living room, bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom, and comply with SNF certification. This means our housing is well-equipped and meets all legal requirements. Our Housing team ensures the safety and hygiene of the houses and helps you with any questions regarding your accommodation. We aim to locate your living place as close to your future workplace as possible, to minimize travel time.

 Maximum 2 people per bedroom
 All houses certified
 Including gas, water, electricity, and WiFi


To ensure you can easily and quickly reach your workplace, we have various transportation options. We have a large fleet of vehicles. You can drive to your workplace with your colleagues in our company cars.
If you have a driving license, you can also become a driver. In some cases, you live so close to your work that you can even cycle to your job. This way, you get to know Dutch culture in a fun and sporty way!

Start working easily and quickly

Do you want to work with us? Simply follow the steps,
and who knows, we might welcome you soon at EG Personeel!

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